Updating scripts for mass installation, configuring Chia forks on Linux

  • November 21, 2023

For a long time I could not get together to write or do something useful… And so I gathered strength and spirit and decided to update the scripts for installation on linux, namely on Ubuntu 22.04.

In general, the entire installation process remained the same as it was described in the article earlier, in the article Step-by-step instructions for mass installation and configuration of Chia forks on Linux

The main changes are that I moved most of the scripts to the scripts subfolder, I also made revision for each script, deleted unnecessary forks and excluded them from the settings.

I would like to pay special attention to the file import_config.sh , from the folder scripts namely its contents.

....  #$EXEC_FILE db upgrade  $EXEC_FILE configure --enable-upnp false  $EXEC_FILE configure --log-level INFO  #$EXEC_FILE configure --set-farmer-peer $FARMER_HOST  $EXEC_FILE init --fix-ssl-permissions  echo "deactivate"

#$EXEC_FILE db upgrade — updating databases from v1 to v2 allows you to save space on your hard disk, but it can take a very long time. I described the detailed process using the example of Chia How to reduce the size of the Chia database?!

$EXEC_FILE configure --enable-upnp false — Disable upnp, well, here without unnecessary comments

renderTo: ‘yandex_rtb_R-A-1290038-5’,
blockId: ‘R-A-1290038-5’

@media screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .dcpgb64e9210f3956a { display: block; } } @media screen and (min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px) { .dcpgb64e9210f3956a { display: block; } } @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 992px) { .dcpgb64e9210f3956a { display: block; } } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 768px) { .dcpgb64e9210f3956a { display: block; } } @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .dcpgb64e9210f3956a { display: block; } }

$EXEC_FILE configure --log-level INFO — we record only information logs, there are also other logging levels --log-level [CRITICAL|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|NOTSET]

#$EXEC_FILE configure --set-farmer-peer $FARMER_HOST — installation on a farm machine ip the main node, since I moved everything to one machine, I don’t need this line.

$EXEC_FILE init --fix-ssl-permissions — Correction of access rights to the configuration file

List of Chia forks available in the script for installation

sh install_aedge.sh sh install_apple.sh sh install_avocado.sh sh install_bpx.sh sh install_btcgreen.sh sh install_cactus.sh sh install_cannabis.sh sh install_chia.sh sh install_dogechia.sh sh install_flax.sh sh install_flora.sh sh install_gold.sh sh install_greendoge.sh  sh install_hddcoin.sh  sh install_kale.sh  sh install_maize.sh  sh install_mint.sh  sh install_nchain.sh  sh install_petroleum.sh  sh install_seno.sh  sh install_silicoin.sh  sh install_spare.sh  sh install_station.sh  sh install_stor.sh  sh install_taco.sh  sh install_tad.sh  sh install_tranzact.sh  sh install_venidium.sh  sh install_wheat.sh

How to start the installation of forks with the command?!

sh all.sh

It will ask you to enter the root password, and the alternate installation will begin.

Installing Chia forks on ubuntuInstalling Chia forks on ubuntuInstalling Chia forks on ubuntu



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